The Word of God is life. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 22:6, “ Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” Use these devotionals as a tool to read God’s Word together as a family each day. Grow in the Word of God as you discuss what you’ve heard and read, what it means, and what it teaches about God.
30 Day Challenge: Finding Your Purpose
These devotionals are based on the book: Purpose-Driven Life Devotional for Kids written by Rick Warren. Over the next month I want you to listen carefully to each devotional so you will have a better understanding of God’s plan for you. Your life is worth taking the time to think about. And God is worth knowing, because he’s the only one who can give your life real meaning. God will do great things in your life and use you—no matter how young you are—to make a difference in the world.
Printable Resources for the 30 Day Challenge
Worship Devotionals
When you worship chains are broken, freedom comes, the Spirit of God moves and much more... One way to worship is to connect to a worship song and sing out to God from within in a loud voice! Another way we worship is in the way we love each other and serve others. Our lifestyle is a form of worship unto God. Connect with us & worship!
“I Am” Devotionals
Video Blog
Read it Yourself: We can’t teach our children what isn’t first in our own hearts. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 first says that God’s Word is to be upon our own hearts and then it tells us to instruct our children in the Word. We teach them out of the overflow of our hearts.
Encourage them to read it on their own: Provide your children copies of their own Bibles. Discuss with them a good time and place where they can read to themselves each day. Check in with them and ask them what they’ve read and what they learned. Most kids have something called Accelerated Reader at their schools. The books of the Bible are “AR Tests.” This can be an additional way to motivate them to read the Word on their own.
Memorize Scripture together: For younger children, start with one verse. As they get older, children can memorize several verses at once and then entire chapters. Add motions to the scripture to help them memorize it. Post the verse where everyone can see it and practice it each day. Listening to music is a great way to learn Scripture. If you can’t find a song already written for the verse being memorized, make up your own, singing the words to a tune you already know. Use games to memorize scripture.
Apply Scripture to all of life: Apply God’s Word to all of life, discussing it with your child all throughout the day. When you experience a miracle, share it with your children. When you need to pray about something, let your know how and why you are doing this. When your child is teased by a friend, read them the story of Peter and Jesus and talk about how Jesus was rejected for our sakes. The opportunities to talk about God’s Word are endless.
Pray for God to work: Last but never least, pray for God to apply his Word to your children’s heart. Pray for the Word to convict, instruct, and guide their heart. Pray that they would grow in their love for God the more they read. And pray that like Jeremiah, they would love and delight in God’s Word, “Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts” (15:16).